Comedian Kapil Sharma has been awarded the Global Entertainer of the Year Award at NDTV Indian of the Year Awards. During this, Kapil Sharma shared his views on topics ranging from his show The Great India Kapil Show to depression. He has said something big about depression. Actually, Kapil Sharma was asked questions in the NDTV Indian of the Year Awards show. In which he has said something big. Kapil Sharma was asked if you have seen many downfalls, but you have emerged as a winner every time. But today's child goes into depression, and needs a counselor, would you like to say something about this? On this question, Kapil Sharma said, 'My belief in life is to keep working, keep working, the rest of the things are its by-products, they will keep coming and going. We must have heard about depression or mental health when we grew up. In childhood, if we did not feel like going to school, then our father would slap us twice and send us to school. We know what Ukraine said to America, but we do not know what happened to our father in the bathroom. So spend less time on social media, and mingle with people around you. Wake up every morning, every day is a new day. Be thankful to God.