Entertainment News

10 Problems Of Facing In Every Good Marriage Life.

10 Problems Of Facing In Every Good Marriage Life.


1.    Your inability, despite methods ranging from gentle coaxing to angry ultimatums, to get your husband to pick his underwear off the bathroom floor.

2.    Being too busy for one-on-one time. It'll come again.

3.    How on earth do two people cook together in a tiny little first apartment kitchen?

4.    Getting stuck in a rut-those in good marriages, though, are dedicated to navigating the way out.

5.    How can we spend less without feeling like every $3 latte is going to send us down the path to financial doom?

6.    If we don't get a date night soon, I'm going to shoot myself.

7.    Will you please see a doctor about that?!

8.    Cold bedroom, lots of covers or warm bedroom, light covers. (Lots of covers is obviously the right answer!)

9.     My mother, your mother, my mother, your mother...

10.  The realization that you're both kiiiiiiind of turning into your parents.

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